Monday, September 15, 2014

Ask the Past

Ask the Past is a blog that gathers advice from the past and applies it to the questions of the present. It is edited by Elizabeth Archibald, who has a Ph.D. in History from Yale University. If, like me, you have wanted to know how to make dainty sport with a Cat then this is the blog for you.

Apparently this is how folks played with cats back in 1658:

"If you will have some sport with a Cat, then get a little Bel, such as the tame Hawkes have at their legs, and tye the Bell something hard at the end of the Cats tayle, and let her go, she feeling of her tayle smart, and hearing of the Bel gingle, she will run up and down as if she were mad, flying against the walls and windowes: then if she can, she will get into some hole to hide her selfe, but when she wags her tayle never so little, then out she comes, and is as mad as before, and never will rest quiet till it be taken off, or she can get it off her selfe."  - John White, A Rich Cabinet with Variety of Inventions

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